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Meet Cyber Dome: Israel's digital version of the infamous Iron Dome

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Reporters from The Week got an unprecedented tour of Israel's planned "Cyber Dome" in July 2023. Currently under development to act as Israel's "Iron Dome" f for cybersecurity, the installation will help keep the nation's vital infrastructure secure from cyberattacks from hostile nations and ne'er-do-wells online. Situated around 90 minutes from Tel Aviv, the facility is being developed using a new artificial intelligence (AI) and a small army of intelligence personnel to counter any threats online.

Meet Cyber Dome: Israel's digital version of the infamous Iron Dome

Online "Iron Dome"

The facility is staffed by, The Weekreports, "men and women drawn from the defense intelligence Unit 8200; J6 and Cyber Defence Directorate within the Israel Defence Forces (IDF); cyber units of the spy agency Mossad and domestic intelligence agency Shin Bet; and the ministry of defense."

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“We call it the secret sauce,” explained Gaby Portnoy, Director General of Israel National Cyber Directorate (INCD), told The Week. “While the orchestra (combined efforts of various departments) works outside, INCD does the internal work. We all work closely together. All the alerts we receive from the orchestra are used to improve our skills. We sit and talk together often," he added.

"Cyber Dome" staff will not work entirely in isolation and will collaborate closely with other IDF departments, research institutions, and Israeli companies like Rafael. “There has been a rapid cross-pollination between the military, academia, government, and private industry in cyberspace in the past couple of years,” said Erez Tidhar, Executive Director of INCD.

With Israel's policy of national service and constant cycling of recruits and experienced staff retiring all the time, initiatives like "Cyber Dome" should, they believe, lead to the development of a flourishing cybersecurity ecosystem in Israel in a few short years. “So, every three years, a new generation comes into cyber defense once they complete military training,” explained Tidhar. “And, officers retiring from the defense forces join the private cyber industry," he added.

The "secret" behind Portnoy's "Cyber Dome's" sauce lies in the generative artificial intelligence platforms quietly developed by the IDF. Intelligence agencies employ generative AI platforms like ChatGPT to sift through the vast amounts of information pouring into their systems and identify significant threats. The IDF uses these platforms to build its defense shield and to enhance its attack capabilities during war.

The Beer Sheva complex operates AI-supported military programs, which nearly 14,000 soldiers in military fatigues utilize to combat enemies from Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and other state and non-state actors, including China and Russia. "Those who carry out cyberattacks against Israeli citizens should be aware of the price they'll have to pay," said Portnoy.

Israel needs such technology as it is constantly attacked by hostile agents. This has only been accelerated with the state of war the nation is now embroiled in with Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip.

Constant online vigilance

Yigal Gueta, a co-founder of the Israeli National Security Authority, which later evolved into INCD, explained to The Weekthat attackers constantly develop new methods to target operational technology (OT) domains. These domains control power generation, oil and gas, water supply, medical health, and data centers. “Obtaining control of operational technology systems enables a potential attacker to create huge damage in the physical world with little effort,” he said.

“Israeli companies are unique,” said Avner Isaac, a cyber expert at  ScadaSudo Limited (a cybersecurity firm) with more than 40 years of military experience. “They are targeted for cyberattacks on a daily basis. This confrontation forces us to be very professional and innovative in our solutions," he added.


